Just Be

clarity Jan 01, 2018

What would your life look like if you focused less on what you were meant to “do” and cared more about creating the kind of person you want to be? This episode will give you tips on how to focus more on “being” instead of “doing.” Each and every day you have the power to create your future self! What are you doing now to become who you want to be tomorrow?

Stop waiting for joy and fulfillment to come into your life, and start creating it!

Here are four practical ways to get you started:

  1. Notice what you are feeding yourself that will one day grow into your future self.
  2. Acknowledge the POWER you have to choose the direction of your life.

  3. Talk with people you admire who live lives more focused on “being” than “doing,” and ask them how they do it!

  4. Write down everything about who you want to be.

“If you want to be something you’ve never been, you have to do something you’ve never done.”...

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