The One Important Thing You're Missing On Your Path To Success

high performance Dec 04, 2019
In today’s modern world, there is no shortage of resources at your fingerprints. Learn how to sew, cook a gourmet meal, make a craft, change the oil in your car or outline steps to getting the career of your dreams with a quick internet search and an afternoon of work.
While getting the information is relatively easy, implementing it isn’t always the case.
When you start on a project, the goal is always success. Not many people set out to fail, but many times our efforts result in just that because we lack one important detail. So how does one begin the process of becoming successful, especially when it comes to making some major life changes?
The key to becoming a successful individual isn’t just about gaining knowledge or knowing what to do with it––though those two things are important. Ask a successful person or organization what it takes to rise to the top and they will all tell you that one important key is implementation through accountability.

Why Accountability?

Having good intentions or a powerful drive to succeed are great motivators, but over time even the most driven person can lose sight of the goal or burn out. When you take the time to establish accountability with someone like a coach, you ensure that you stay on the path to success.

So how does accountability drive a person to success?

For starters, accountability helps an individual have ownership in their goals and success. You can listen to all the inspirational podcasts and read all the self-help books you want, but without having someone there to walk beside you to help hone your goals, you can easily let things fall by the wayside.
Accountability also increases your overall chance of achieving your goals. A study done by the American Society of Training and Development found that people are 65% more likely to reach a goal if they are accountable to someone. Whether you’re confirming a simple appointment to meet or letting your coach know of your weekly goals, putting your goals “out there” results in big payoffs.

How do you find someone to hold you accountable?

When you think of an accountability partner, a friend or family member may be the first person to come to mind. Who knows you better? Who knows all your excuses and how you may avoid your to-do list? Friends and family may serve as great confidants, but when it comes to meeting your personal and professional goals, a coach is the much better option.
Having a skilled professional to help shape your goals and path to reaching them is the key to achieving that success you’re dreaming about. A coach’s sole goal is to focus on you and your achievement of goals. They do that by helping you implement all the steps you’ve identified by careful inventory of your skills and desires, and walking beside you as you navigate the journey.
If you find yourself at a crossroads or have hit a bump in the road when it comes to achieving your success, remember that the key is accountability––and a high performance coach is how you’ll get there!
Click here to listen to the full episode.
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