Wake Up To Your Life

Wake Up To Your Life

Hosted by: Amanda Foust

Tune in for micro-episodes full of actionable tips to wake up to your life! The goal of this podcast is to wake people up to the life they could lead—a life of intention, habit mastery, and true fulfillment.

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Episode 32. Don't Let Your Feelings Be A GPS

Our feelings are a valuable tool but shouldn't be the only way we make decisions. They can help alert us to something that needs to be addressed, but they shouldn't direct our path. Tune in to hear more about...
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Episode 31. Wake Up To Your Life with guest Angel Bishop

Angel Bishop is an incredible example of someone who has taken the steps to Wake Up To Her Life and, as a result, has left a ripple effect of incredible impact! She is a health coach who uses her business as a vehicle...
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Episode 30. Self Discipline Is About Continuity -- Not Perfection

Today's episode is an easy tip all about how to focus on the process, not the outcome. Listen more to learn about the power of consistency over perfection.   Subscribe for more! Wake Up To Your Life Website Highest...
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Episode 29. How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome As A High Performer

Key Takeaways: Tips for overcoming imposter syndrome... 1. Acknowledge your feelings 2. Challenge your negative thoughts 3. Celebrate your accomplishments   Subscribe for more! Wake Up To Your Life Website Highest...
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Episode 28. Let Curiosity Be Your Guide (Part 2)

Key Takeaways: Inquisitive Mindset: Cultivate curiosity by asking questions without fear of judgment. Critical Thinking: Challenge the status quo by examining the reasons behind established practices, which can...
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Episode 27. Let Curiosity Be Your Guide (Part 1)

Key takeaways: Curiosity is a driving force for learning, growth, and exploration. Curiosity enhances creativity, sparking innovation by asking "What if?" It refines problem-solving skills through exploring various...
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Episode 26. Evaluate Your Responses With These 4 Questions

Key Takeaways: Dr. Caroline Leaf's four critical questions to consider before responding: Does it need to be said? Does this need to be said by me? Does this need to be said by me, now? Will I regret NOT saying...
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Episode 25. The Importance of Failure

Key Takeaways: Don't take it personally. Use the "Keep, Change, Let Go" reflection exercise. Stay persistent. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people.   Subscribe for more! Wake Up To Your...
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Episode 24. How To Be A More Effective Leader

Key Takeaways: Effective leaders have a clear vision and goals for their teams. Effective leaders are good communicators who can clearly communicate their vision, goals, and expectations. Effective leaders create a...
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Episode 23. How To Build More Positive Relationships

In this episode, Amanda Foust shares her insights on building positive relationships, both in personal and business life. She emphasizes the importance of being genuine and authentic, and of asking questions to get to...
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Episode 22. 5 Steps To Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Key Takeaways: Limiting beliefs are negative thoughts that we have about ourselves and our abilities. They can hold us back from achieving our goals and living our best lives. The first step to overcoming limiting...
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Episode 21. How To Set Goals You Will Actually Achieve (Part 2)

Key Takeaways: A breakdown of each goal-setting tip from Part 1 Take some time to think about your goals and what you want to achieve. Write down your goals and put them where you will see them often. Break down your...
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