Wake Up To Your Life

Wake Up To Your Life

Hosted by: Amanda Foust

Tune in for micro-episodes full of actionable tips to wake up to your life! The goal of this podcast is to wake people up to the life they could lead—a life of intention, habit mastery, and true fulfillment.

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Episode 44. Rest vs. Numbing Out

Key Takeaways: How to distinguish between intentional rest and numbing out to prevent burnout. Recognize signs of numbing behaviors, such as excessive screen time or unhealthy indulgence. Personalize your rest...
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Episode 43. The Reality of Loneliness for High Performers

Key Takeaways: High performers who are dedicated to personal growth and excellence may often experience loneliness because they are on a different journey compared to those around them. Loneliness among high...
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Episode 42. Self Worth Is A Part Of Your Success Journey

Key Takeaways: Believing in your own worthiness is fundamental to making meaningful changes and achieving success in your life. Self-reflection is essential to cultivate a belief in your worthiness. Understand why...
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Episode 41. Results Are Uncomfortable... Let's Talk About It

Key Takeaways: Jon Acuff recently shared a quote: "Results are the only thing louder than discomfort," and this acknowledges that results are an uncomfortable endeavor. Discomfort is a natural part of stretching...
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Episode 40: A Daily Question That Changes EVERYTHING

Key Takeaways: Define daily success by asking, "What does success look like today?" to set intentions and priorities and keep yourself laser-focused. Success isn't always about big achievements. It's impossible to...
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Episode 39. How To Evaluate Your Week

Key Takeaways: Assessing your week is crucial for high performers to stay on track, maintain motivation, and refine your approach to life. The process involves reflection, setting weekly intentions, and defining...
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Episode 38. How To Tackle The Holidays As A High Performer (Part 2)

Tune in and listen to Part 2 of the Holiday Wake Up To Your Life series. This episode is specifically for High Performers who take a break around the holidays and how to ensure they don't lose momentum going into the...
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Episode 37. How To Tackle The Holidays As A High Performer (Part 1)

Tune in and listen to Part 1 of the Holiday Wake Up To Your Life series. This episode is specifically for High Performers who have a busy schedule during this time of year. This episode will share practical tips for...
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Episode 36. How To Approach Controversial Conversations

Key Takeaways: Instead of trying to persuade others to agree with your viewpoint, approach controversial conversations with genuine curiosity.  Curiosity fosters empathy, encourages learning, and builds bridges. To...
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Episode 35. Wake Up To What's Right In Front Of You

Key Takeaways: Seek happiness in the present, not just in future goals or achievements. Avoid the "I'll be happy when..." mindset. Appreciate the beauty and joy in your immediate surroundings. Shift from a "Gap" to a...
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Episode 34. Be Willing To Start Small To Grow BIG

Today, we are talking about a topic you've probably heard before but may or may not be implementing. It's the idea of starting small. In our world of instant gratification, it's crucial to remember that good things...
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Episode 33. The BEST Time To Start A New Habit

In this episode, we discuss the best time to start a new habit and why it's the best time. Learn a challenge to get on track with your habits and make time for what truly matters in your life.    Subscribe for...
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