Setting Goals for Leaders: Growing Beyond Your Business

goal setting leadership Jan 15, 2025

Listen to the full podcast episode to learn more tips on goal setting. You'll hear tips on how to approach leadership goals differently and why leadership growth is essential in creating a positive ripple effect in your organization. Subscribe here!

Setting goals isn't just about achieving business success—it's about transforming yourself into a more effective leader who inspires and supports your team.

Leadership extends beyond hitting targets; it's about personal growth and your impact on others. It's about the process more than the destination. Whether you're starting afresh at the beginning of a new year or mid-year, the principles in this blog post offer a timeless approach to goal setting that can elevate your leadership skills every day.

Rethinking Goals: Beyond Business Success

Many of us focus on achieving business goals—increasing revenue, launching products, and meeting KPIs. However, leadership goals go deeper. They focus on how you evolve as a leader, how you inspire...

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Delegation in Leadership: How to Let Go & Empower Your Team

delegation leadership teams Nov 19, 2024

Listen to the full podcast episode to learn more tips on delegation. Let's figure out how to empower and develop your team while being the leader who grows everyone around them. Subscribe here!

As leaders, many of us have faced the challenge of delegation. It’s tough to loosen our grip, especially when we care deeply about the quality of work and the success of our teams. But trying to do it all ourselves can lead to burnout and frustration—for us and our team. I recently had a listener to my podcast ask me:

"How can I let go of the need to control everything and trust my team more?"

Delegation is a skill that requires intention and practice. If you're struggling with it, you're not alone. Here are some key things that can help you shift from control to trust and create a team that thrives.


1. Recognize the Real Problem

If you constantly take tasks back or feel frustrated with results, it might be time to look inward. I’ve been there—feeling like everything falls back on me n...

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Steps To Becoming the Leader Your Team Needs - For New Leaders

Listen to the full podcast episode to dive even deeper into these strategies and become the leader your team needs. Let’s embark on this leadership journey together and unlock your potential to lead with confidence, purpose, and impact. Subscribe here!

As a leader, have you ever asked yourself this question?

How can I become the leader my team needs without slowing down the growth of the business? 

First, know it is completely normal to feel this way! There are so many entrepreneurs who face this challenge when they grow beyond the ability to do everything themselves. Running a business and leading people are different skills and they both take time and experience to develop. Just because you haven't mastered leadership yet doesn't mean you're not capable. You were capable of growing your business without knowing how to at first, and you are capable of growing in your leadership as well.

This article is for anyone who finds themselves in a leadership role without prior experienc...

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Mastering Crucial Conversations As A Leader

In any workplace, the success of both individuals and the organization hinges on clear, honest, and effective communication. Often, these pivotal moments come in the form of crucial conversations—a discussion between two or more people where stakes are high, emotions are strong, and opinions differ.

These conversations are often challenging because they involve sensitive topics and the potential for conflict but they are necessary.

As a leader, your ability to navigate these conversations is a powerful tool in developing successful individuals, fostering high-performing teams, and, ultimately, driving the success of your organization. Let’s explore how mastering crucial conversations can unlock the full potential of your team.


Why Crucial Conversations Matter

Crucial conversations aren't just about addressing conflict or delivering feedback; they are about facilitating alignment, growth, and mutual understanding. These conversations have a direct impact on team performance and...

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3 Leadership Principles That Will Transform Your Team: Relational, Support-Driven, and Servant Leadership

leader leadership Oct 15, 2024

Leadership is so much more than just managing outcomes or reaching targeted goals. Too many leaders are focused on results and not their people. In fact, they view their team as the obstacle more than the solution! 

Leadership is about creating an environment where people feel seen, valued, and supported so they can perform at their best. I’ve spent years working with leaders, and there’s one thing I know for sure: the leaders who create lasting impact and get big results are the ones who invest in their people.

This is why my approach to leadership coaching centers around three principles that I believe truly transform how we lead:

1. Relational Leadership

2. Support-Driven Leadership

3. Servant Leadership

These three pillars focus on connection, empowerment, and service—qualities that every leader needs to cultivate if they want to drive sustainable success. Let’s break down what each one means and how they can transform the way you lead.

Relational Leadership: The Power of Co...

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The Top 10 Episodes on the Wake Up To Your Life Podcast

I cannot believe that we are already at the one-year anniversary of the Wake Up to Your Life podcast!

Over the past year, I've had the amazing opportunity to share insights and tools designed to help you live more intentionally, awaken to your fullest potential, and step into a life of purpose.

So, in honor of this milestone, I'm counting down the top 10 most downloaded episodes—those that resonated the most with my audience and sparked the greatest transformations. Whether you’re a longtime listener or new to the show, these episodes are short but impactful, so pick one and reply back with YOUR favorite episode!

 #10. Episode 48: 10 Things To Do To End The Year With Momentum (Part 2)

(Listen to episode 47 first!)

Key Takeaways:

  • 5 Tips for closing out the year
  • How to start the new year with MOMENTUM
  • The power of vision boards


#9 Episode 19: How To Create A Morning Routine To Support Your Goals

Key Takeaways:

  • Decide what you want your morning routine to help you do
  • ...
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Reflecting and Planning for Success: A Leader’s Guide to Closing the Year and Preparing for Q1 of 2025

As we approach the final stretch of the year, it’s essential for leaders to take a step back, reflect, and evaluate the journey so far. Whether your team had a challenging year, celebrated major wins, or navigated unexpected pivots, now is the time to make sense of it all, recalibrate, and gear up for 2025 with clarity and purpose!

Many look to January 1st as the time to plan the year, but leaders know better. I, for example, start Q1 planning in October of the previous year. It doesn't mean that things can't shift or change, and it doesn't mean that I don't evaluate in January as well, but it DOES mean that to start the year strong, I need to plan a quarter ahead of time.

Leaders should reflect on the past year before setting new goals because it helps them understand what worked and what didn’t, providing valuable insights for future decision-making. By evaluating successes and challenges, leaders can make more informed and realistic goals, avoid past mistakes, and leverage team gr...

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How Great Leaders Develop Their People More Than Discipline

Have you noticed lately that the focus of leadership is shifting from enforcing discipline to fostering development?

Because employees are seeking not just a paycheck but growth, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose in their work, this is a very welcome change. Leaders who understand this shift are not just managers; they are mentors, coaches, and visionaries! They see their team members not as cogs in a machine but as individuals with unique potential that, when nurtured, can drive the organization to new heights.

If you're unsure if you're a leader who leads with discipline versus development, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you catch yourself talking down to your team when they aren't performing at the level that you want?
  2. When your team isn't meeting their goals, do you meet them where they're at and develop ways in which they can improve?
  3. Does the culture of your workplace foster a feeling that your employees jobs are on the line or that there is freedom to make mistakes an
  4. ...
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Leading with Vision: The Power of Forward-Thinking Leadership

leadership Aug 06, 2024

In today’s fast-moving business world, change is one thing that is always a sure thing. For leaders, there is no room for sitting back and hoping things stay the same. Instead, we have to be looking ahead, anticipating market shifts, and getting ready for whatever comes next.

Being able to spot potential changes and adapt can be the key to not just surviving but thriving.

Think about big companies that once dominated their fields but fell behind because they didn’t see change coming. Blockbuster was huge in video rentals until Netflix came along with digital streaming. Kodak invented the digital camera but couldn’t shift away from film fast enough and lost its footing. These stories highlight an important point: leaders must stay alert and proactive, always looking for new trends and possible disruptions. The same goes for businesses with many different types of clients! Leaders have to always be looking for multiple sources of revenue so they ensure their businesses stay afloat and ...

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The Ultimate Guide to Communication Styles: How to Engage Effectively with Anyone

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”

George Bernard Shaw, Nobel Prize-winning playwright

This quote is a favorite of mine for a few reasons, but one of the main ones is that we often walk away from a meeting or a conversation and think we are all on the same page. But more often than not, that's not the case!

Sometimes we assume everyone thinks the way we do or has the same takeaways. But there are certain things we as leaders can't leave to chance. We can't allow assumptions to override good communication.

Effective communication is more important than ever. Whether in personal relationships, professional settings, or casual interactions, how we communicate can significantly impact our understanding, connections, and outcomes. Understanding the four types of communication—active, accepting, thoughtful, and questioning—can enhance our ability to engage meaningfully with others.

Let’s explore these communication styles and how they...

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