3 Leadership Principles That Will Transform Your Team: Relational, Support-Driven, and Servant Leadership

leader leadership Oct 15, 2024

Leadership is so much more than just managing outcomes or reaching targeted goals. Too many leaders are focused on results and not their people. In fact, they view their team as the obstacle more than the solution! 

Leadership is about creating an environment where people feel seen, valued, and supported so they can perform at their best. I’ve spent years working with leaders, and there’s one thing I know for sure: the leaders who create lasting impact and get big results are the ones who invest in their people.

This is why my approach to leadership coaching centers around three principles that I believe truly transform how we lead:

1. Relational Leadership

2. Support-Driven Leadership

3. Servant Leadership

These three pillars focus on connection, empowerment, and service—qualities that every leader needs to cultivate if they want to drive sustainable success. Let’s break down what each one means and how they can transform the way you lead.

Relational Leadership: The Power of Connection

At the core of Relational Leadership is one simple truth: relationships are everything. You can’t expect people to go all-in for you if they don’t feel connected to you. Leadership is about building authentic, meaningful relationships with your team. It’s about knowing who they are, what they care about, and how you can support their growth.

When people feel valued and understood, they’re going to bring their best selves to the table. Relational leadership means you’re not just giving direction—you’re creating an environment where trust, collaboration, and shared success naturally thrive. It’s the foundation for everything else.

I have watched so many leaders who require their team to leave their personal lives at home. It always backfires. You must allow your team to bring their full selves to their work. I promise you'll get better results when they feel they can be their complete self! Sometimes there will be hard days, but knowing they are supported during those times will go far!

Ask yourself these questions to reflect on relational leadership:

  • Do I take time to really get to know what drives each person on my team?
  • How often do I listen to my team without jumping in to fix things or push my own ideas?
  • Am I creating a space where my team feels safe to share ideas and work together openly?


Support-Driven Leadership: Empower Your Team to Succeed

Now, let’s talk about Support-Driven Leadership—which, by the way, is the heart of my Highest Potential Planner. This principle is all about ensuring your team has the resources, systems, and support they need to succeed. Leaders often focus on results, but here’s the truth: results happen when people are fully supported to perform at their best.

You can't assign a role or tasks without providing the needed support. Too many leaders want to delegate and walk away. And though that's the goal, it can't happen immediately! The proper training, tools, and preparation has to come first! Your team needs time to learn their roles and expectations need to be clear and properly supported!

Think about it. When you take the time to set up systems that empower your team, you’re removing obstacles and creating space for them to shine. It's a short term heavy lift for longterm results! Leadership isn’t about controlling the process or micromanaging. It’s about building an environment where your people feel confident, capable, and ready to take ownership of their work. That’s how you drive long-term success—through support, not pressure.

Ask yourself these questions to reflect on support-driven leadership:

  • Does my team have what they need—tools, resources, or training—to do their best work?
  • Am I helping clear obstacles out of the way, or am I unintentionally adding more?
  • How often do I encourage my team to take ownership, instead of hovering over their work?
  • When things go wrong, do I complain about my team’s performance, or do I step in to support and guide them toward a solution?


Servant Leadership: Lead by Serving Others

Lastly, let’s dig into Servant Leadership—an approach that flips the traditional power dynamic on its head. In servant leadership, the focus isn’t on authority or being the one in charge. It’s about serving your people. When you lead through service, you’re actively seeking out ways to meet the needs of your team, helping them grow, and supporting them as they reach their potential.

The beauty of servant leadership is that it creates a culture of trust, collaboration, and ethical decision-making. When your team knows that you’re invested in their well-being and development, they become more engaged, motivated, and equipped to drive the success of the organization. It’s not about having power—it’s about empowering others.

A servant leader sees the gaps between where a team member is and where you want them to be, and instead of getting on them, the leader will serve with their time and resources to develop the person! 

Your people are your absolute greatest investment!

Ask yourself these questions to reflect on servant leadership:

  • Am I actively looking for ways to help my team grow and succeed, or am I focused more on my own agenda?
  • Do I regularly ask my team how I can better support them, rather than assuming I know what they need?
  • When my team needs help, do I jump in and assist, or do I stay hands-off and rely on my position to lead?


Why These Principles Matter Now More Than Ever

Leadership needs to evolve. The old, top-down approach just doesn’t cut it anymore. People want to feel connected, supported, and seen. That’s why Relational Leadership, Support-Driven Leadership, and Servant Leadership are more than just nice ideas—they’re the way forward.

When you prioritize relationships, invest in support systems, and lead through service, you’re not just hitting short-term goals—you’re building a team that can sustain the success you desire!

If you are looking for more leadership coaching support, follow @wakeuptoimpact for more!


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