Wake Up To Your Life

Wake Up To Your Life

Hosted by: Amanda Foust

Tune in for micro-episodes full of actionable tips to wake up to your life! The goal of this podcast is to wake people up to the life they could lead—a life of intention, habit mastery, and true fulfillment.

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Episode 67. Why Being Too Results-Driven Might Be Holding You Back

In this episode, Amanda shares discoveries from a recent trip to Mexico. She discusses how the women on this trip shared examples of how when we focus on enjoying the process rather than attaching too much to the...
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Episode 66. Looking for Clarity? Ask More Questions

Did you know that one of the best ways you can gain clarity is through asking questions? Too many times we seek clarity through making up our own stories in our head or trying to look for answers without taking the...
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Episode 65: Managing Your Emotions (Part 2)

  Today's episode is Part 2 all about managing your emotions. We take a deeper dive into the importance of managing REACTIONS to emotions. Managing emotions isn't about ignoring or suppressing. Listen up to learn a...
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Episode 64 Managing Your Emotions (Part 1)

In this episode, Amanda discusses the complex world of emotions, particularly focusing on managing them. As we move beyond the excitement of the New Year, it's not uncommon to experience a range of emotions,...
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Episode 63. Plant The RIGHT Seeds

In this episode, Amanda shares a deeper dive into one of her recent quotes: "Where we plant ourselves is where we develop roots. The longer we stay in places that aren't where we want to be, the harder it is to uproot...
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Episode 62: A New Outlook On Self-Discipline

In this episode, we break down a new outlook on discipline! "Discipline is explaining to your brain that you need to sacrifice immediate pleasures for greater rewards in the future."   If you have a bad relationship...
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Episode 61. Do THIS Activity To Wake Up To Your Life

In this episode, Amanda introduces a fun and easy activity to help you Wake Up To Your Life! Listen for a daily action you can take to experience more joy and inspiration in your every day. You'll be so glad you...
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Episode 60. Silence the Noise and Listen to God

Today's episode is a reminder for believers to wake up to the SILENCE. That is where God wants to speak to us. We live in a world of distractions and noise and when we can wake up enough to embrace SILENCE, we can...
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Episode 59. The Power Of Setting Reminders

In today's episode, Amanda shares how setting reminders are a powerful tool that we often don't use enough. Listen for examples of how to use reminders and set one for yourself so you can keep yourself on track for...
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Episode 58. When Positivity Stops Being Positive

Did you know positive thinking may not always be a positive thing? Amanda shares a story between her and her son where they discover how positivity may not be so positive. If we put blinders on to truth, we aren't...
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Episode 57: Create More Time In Your Life

This episode is for those looking for more TIME in your life. If you're feeling too busy and overwhelmed, listen for a quick way to shift your perspective on time. You can create more time in your life if you start to...
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Episode 56. Build Your Inner Circle That Leads To Success

Relationships come and go, but an intentional tribe that YOU choose can be the ticket to the next-level of success you've been looking for. Don't leave your relationships to chance. Build an inner circle that leads to...
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