Episode 12. Your Inputs Create Your Outputs

Topics Covered:

  1. Input and Outputs: How our day-to-day feelings and results are shaped by our activities and where we focus our energy.
  2. The “What Am I Feeding?” Question: A method to check in on the purpose and value of current activities.
  3. The Importance of Being Mindful: Understanding that not all activities need to have a tangible return, but we should be conscious of the balance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Awareness Over Perfection: We won’t always make the perfect choice, but being conscious of our inputs can significantly affect our outputs.
  • Quality Inputs for Quality Outputs: What we consume, in terms of activities or information, directly impacts our feelings, moods, and results.
  • The Value of Balance: It's alright to indulge in leisure or downtime, but it's essential to find equilibrium in our activities.


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