Episode 11. The System Isn't Broken

Topics Covered:

  1. Setting Up Systems: The process of creating systems like gym routines, meal planning, journaling, etc.
  2. The Waning Spark: Why our initial energy and motivation starts to fade by week two.
  3. Adapting Over Abandoning: The need to tweak and adapt systems to fit our evolving lifestyles and needs.
  4. The Power of Triggers: Establishing reminders to ensure the effective use of systems.
  5. Celebrating Small Victories: The significance of tracking progress and the motivation it brings.

Key Takeaways:

  • Flexibility in Systems: No system is perfect; the key lies in its adaptability.
  • The Importance of Reminders: Setting up cues or triggers to stay consistent with the system.
  • Progress as Motivation: Celebrating small successes keeps you driven and committed.


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