Episode 10. The Power of Starting TODAY

Topics Covered:

  1. The all-too-common habit: "I'll start tomorrow" or "Next week is the perfect time."
  2. The brain's natural tendency for self-protection and comfort.
  3. Overcoming the comfort zone: The importance of taking action in the present.
  4. Recognizing that starting today doesn’t equate to reaching your goal immediately.
  5. The importance of daily small steps towards big goals.

Key Takeaways:

  • Embracing the Present: Understand the power and potential of the current moment.
  • The Puzzle Analogy: Achieving goals is like solving a puzzle—one piece at a time. Every step, even the smallest ones, bring you closer to the bigger picture.
  • Visualize the Goal: Begin every day with a clear vision of your long-term goal, and then decide on a step for the day.
  • Combating Excuses: Use the mantra, "There is POWER in starting TODAY." to motivate and override procrastination.
  • Momentum Building: Leveraging the energy and enthusiasm of one day's achievements for the next.


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