Reflecting and Planning for Success: A Leaderā€™s Guide to Closing the Year and Preparing for Q1 of 2025

As we approach the final stretch of the year, it’s essential for leaders to take a step back, reflect, and evaluate the journey so far. Whether your team had a challenging year, celebrated major wins, or navigated unexpected pivots, now is the time to make sense of it all, recalibrate, and gear up for 2025 with clarity and purpose!

Many look to January 1st as the time to plan the year, but leaders know better. I, for example, start Q1 planning in October of the previous year. It doesn't mean that things can't shift or change, and it doesn't mean that I don't evaluate in January as well, but it DOES mean that to start the year strong, I need to plan a quarter ahead of time.

Leaders should reflect on the past year before setting new goals because it helps them understand what worked and what didn’t, providing valuable insights for future decision-making. By evaluating successes and challenges, leaders can make more informed and realistic goals, avoid past mistakes, and...

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