The Top 10 Episodes on the Wake Up To Your Life Podcast

I cannot believe that we are already at the one-year anniversary of the Wake Up to Your Life podcast!

Over the past year, I've had the amazing opportunity to share insights and tools designed to help you live more intentionally, awaken to your fullest potential, and step into a life of purpose.

So, in honor of this milestone, I'm counting down the top 10 most downloaded episodes—those that resonated the most with my audience and sparked the greatest transformations. Whether you’re a longtime listener or new to the show, these episodes are short but impactful, so pick one and reply back with YOUR favorite episode!

 #10. Episode 48: 10 Things To Do To End The Year With Momentum (Part 2)

(Listen to episode 47 first!)

Key Takeaways:

  • 5 Tips for closing out the year
  • How to start the new year with MOMENTUM
  • The power of vision boards


#9 Episode 19: How To Create A Morning Routine To Support Your Goals

Key Takeaways:

  • ...
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The Power of Mentorship in Leadership Development

Have you ever had a mentor?

While there are many ways to define one, I tend to love Bob Proctor's definition the best:

"A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you."

Being a mentor isn't about telling someone how to do their job, though sharing advice is important, but it is more about helping someone to see their potential.

Whether you are someone looking to become a mentor or someone wanting to be mentored, here are some important things to know about why mentorship holds so much power.


1. Knowledge Transfer

Mentors provide a wealth of knowledge and experience that can significantly shorten the learning curve for emerging leaders. By sharing their successes, failures, and insights, mentors help mentees avoid common pitfalls and adopt best practices more quickly. This transfer of knowledge is invaluable, allowing mentees to build a strong foundation based on real-world experiences. It's been...

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Embrace Growth: Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone as a High Performer

When it comes to pursuing success and personal growth, one of the most powerful strategies is stepping outside your comfort zone. That's because high performers understand that real progress happens beyond the boundaries of familiarity. It's where the magic of learning, innovation, and transformation unfolds! In this article, let's see why stepping outside your comfort zone is essential for high performance and talk about practical tips on how to embrace discomfort to achieve results.


Why Step Outside Your Comfort Zone?

Your comfort zone is a cozy space where routines and familiar activities reside. While it's comforting, it can also be a stagnant pool that prevents you from reaching your full potential! Stepping outside this zone brings a ton of benefits:

  1. Learning and Growth: Pushing boundaries exposes you to new experiences, knowledge, and skills. This continual learning fuels personal and professional growth.
  2. Innovation: Breaking free from routine...
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Know When to Quit (Or If It’s Time to Take a Leap of Faith)

Have you ever felt like your motives, passions, interests and work just weren’t lining up? 


If you find yourself feeling more discouragement than delight with your current work reality, it could mean that you haven’t found your “Zone of Genius” yet (or maybe you have, but you aren’t currently operating in that zone.


I’ll explain. 


In his book, The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks describes how operating in the wrong “zone” can be detrimental to your creativity and completely life-sucking. He even details several cases that led to physical illness as a result of someone living in a state of misaligned passions and work. 


How your day-to-day tasks and responsibilities align with your passions and intentions is SO important for you as a High Performer to understand. Why? Because in order to reach new heights both personally and professionally, you need to be bringing your highest and best self forward!


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This Is How To Improve Yourself Every Day

James Clear once said, “change your habits, change your life.” As a big proponent of the power of healthy habits, I couldn’t agree more!


We all want some sort of transformation in our life. Whether it’s making small changes in our personal life, becoming a better parent or taking our business to the next level, most everyone wants to better themself in some way or another.


Many people believe that in order to transform, they have to completely overhaul their life. But I want to share a nugget of truth: it’s the small habits that transform.


When you think about it, it makes total sense. When you commit to following through with small habits, they add up over time: resulting in big change!


Making sweeping changes can also have a big effect, of course. However, as humans it can be super easy to drop those big changes when they become overwhelming. Admit it, you’ve let go of a New Year’s Resolution or two because it...

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The Key to Breaking Bad Habits

If you’ve spent any amount of time with me, you know that I love a good discussion about habits. Whether good or bad, we all have them. If you’ve clicked on this post today though, you know we are talking about habits you want to break...habits that are no longer serving the person you want to become.


Bad habits are something that have evolved within our life that usually have some sort of pay off that we find rewarding. Maybe it’s the feeling of a lazy day spent on the couch avoiding chores, or avoiding that sense of anxiety by procrastinating on a big work project. Either way, the immediate gratification of embracing that bad habit is so enticing that we find ourselves doing it over and over.


But news flash! All those bad habits don’t offer any rewards! They continue to just bring short term “happiness,” causing you to miss out on all the goodness that is otherwise out there.


So how do you break bad habits? It’s not as...

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Why Self-Help Books Aren't Helping You Find Success

Have you ever found yourself buying a self-help book, excited to dig in and make some big changes? You grab that shiny new highlighter, get to reading and are amazed at all the goodness inside! You are ready for it to change your life, but then...the changes don’t come.


What are you doing wrong?


Chances are, you put a little too much faith in the book and not enough in yourself. See, the self-help book industry is worth billions of dollars and it banks on hooking people in and supplying an endless stream of content when the results don’t come to fruition.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with a self-help book. They actually ARE really helpful––if you do it right. I read them all the time and am the first to recommend a good book as well. However, I’ve got a few reasons why your self-help books aren’t helping you find success, and what to do about it.


1. You aren’t applying what you learn.

Self-help books are no...

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