What Is High-Performance & How You Can Get There

high performance May 28, 2020

As a coach, I often get asked about what “high performance” means, and how it differs from any other type of coaching. To pare it down to the most basic description, someone who is a high performer is one who reaches for and sustains the highest levels of performance and potential in all that they do.


Now, this doesn't mean high performers are perfect, it just means they are always striving for optimized living.


The fact is, most of us want to become the best at what we do. We don’t wake up wanting a mediocre day, with average results. We want to reach success, and we want to keep doing it over a long period of time.


So how do you become a high performer?


Research has shown that high performers have several things in common that set them apart from others. Let’s take a look at 5 qualities of high performance that Brendon Burchard has researched in his High-Performance Training.




High performers know who they are and what they want to accomplish. In essence, they have a heightened sense of clarity: they are focused and know their goals. Having clarity helps to make better decisions and be intentional. If you’re wondering how to develop clarity, I want to help! Not only is clarity a big topic of discussion with my clients, but I also dig deeper in my article, How to Find Clarity and Why It’s Important.




High performers have tons of energy! Others around them can feel it as they generate and nurture their own energy as they go about their day. A person who is constantly outperforming the competition is packed with positive energy and a desire to do more.




Have you known someone who is strong in their beliefs and isn’t afraid to stand up for themselves? While others may stay reserved and avoid risk, a high performer cultivates courage on a daily basis. While they most definitely wouldn’t be defined as risky, they are known to step out beyond their comfort zone to reach their goals.




A person who is a high performer is effective with their time and work ethic. High performers use their time wisely and often put in extra time to do a better job than their counterparts. They work to streamline processes, so their output is refined over time. Above all, high performers are hard workers who know where to focus their hard work.




High performers are great with people. They allow for time, honor, and attention. High performers view relationships as mutually beneficial and have great relationship skills. Known as overall caring individuals, high performers use their experiences to influence others in a positive way.


Can we all become high performers? YES! Is it easy? No! But like I tell the people in my life: “You can do hard things.”


Are you a high-performer who is missing some of the above habits in your life? Take my "Which Bad Habit Is Holding You Back" quiz and take the first step towards high-performance habits.

 Then, learn more about my coaching services clicking here.

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