How To Unleash Your Leadership Strengths: A Guide to Discovery and Application

leadership Jul 02, 2024

As leaders, we don't want to just be positional leaders...we want to be EFFECTIVE leaders!

Effective leadership begins with self-awareness. By understanding our unique strengths and leadership style, we can better leverage our talents to inspire and guide our teams.

In the decade I have had working with leaders, I have noticed that self-awareness is not a given. There are many leaders who lack this and it creates a giant obstacle between them and their team.

What does self-awareness have to do with leadership?

Self-discovery matters because it allows us to lead with authenticity, because we can align our actions with who we are. If we don't know who we are, then how do we know we are showing up authentically? How can we serve others from a place of honesty and to our highest potential if we don't have a clear understanding of what that looks like?

Self-awareness helps us understand ourselves and expands our ability to make well-informed, strategic decisions that benefit our organizations. Good decision-making is such an important part of being a leader and we can better trust ourselves to do that when we are in-tune with who we are.

Finally, self-aware leaders can better motivate and empower their teams, creating a collaborative, high-performing environment. Team members know when you are self-aware and they will inturn better trust you and be more likely to follow you if you're a leader who knows his/her strengths/weaknesses. 

Great leaders aren't just born; they are crafted through a deep understanding of their unique qualities and the strategic application of these strengths. Whether you are leading a corporate team, launching a new fitness center, or driving your concierge medicine practice to new heights, knowing your strengths can set you apart.

Let's dig more into what a leadership strength actually is...


What Are Leadership Strengths?

Leadership strengths are the unique qualities, skills, and attributes that enhance your ability to lead effectively. These can range from strategic thinking and emotional intelligence to effective communication and resilience. Recognizing your strengths allows you to lead authentically and inspires trust and confidence in those you lead.


Key Leadership Strengths

When it comes to leadership, certain qualities distinguish exceptional leaders from the rest. These strengths not only enhance a leader's ability to guide and inspire their team but also equip them to navigate challenges and seize opportunities with confidence. By understanding and cultivating these traits, leaders can drive their organizations towards sustained success and create a positive, empowered work environment. Some key strengths include:

1. Strategic Thinking: The ability to plan for the future, anticipate challenges, and create a roadmap for success.
2. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing your emotions, as well as recognizing and influencing the emotions of others.
3. Effective Communication: Clearly conveying your vision, expectations, and feedback.
4. Resilience: Bouncing back from setbacks and maintaining a positive outlook.
5. Adaptability: Being flexible and open to change in a dynamic environment.


How to Discover Your Strengths

Discovering your strengths involves self-reflection, seeking feedback, and utilizing tools designed to uncover your unique qualities and skills. By exploring past successes and understanding what energizes and motivates you, you can identify the core strengths that set you apart. This process not only enhances your self-awareness but also provides a solid foundation for personal and professional growth, allowing you to leverage your strengths to achieve your highest potential and make a meaningful impact in your leadership role.

1. Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your experiences, achievements, and feedback from others. What do you excel at? What tasks energize you?
2. Strengths Assessments: Tools like the VIA Character Strengths Survey and GALLUPS Strengths Finder can provide insights into your top strengths. They help you identify the qualities that make you uniquely you and what makes you the most effective leader.
3. Feedback from Others: Seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, and team members. They can often see strengths you might overlook.
4. Review Past Successes: Analyze past projects and accomplishments to identify patterns of strengths that contributed to your success.

Strengths aren't always easy to identify because they are a natural part of who we are. When they are natural, we don't see them for what they are...a STRENGTH that not everyone has!

For example, I have a natural ability to connect with people and understand others in just a few conversations. I never looked at this as a strength until I would talk to other leaders that weren't able to do this with their team.

What is it that is natural to YOU but looks like MAGIC to others?

How to Use Your Strengths

Using your strengths effectively is the key to unlocking your full potential as a leader. By aligning your strengths with your vision and goals, you can lead with authenticity and confidence, inspiring those around you. Leveraging your unique qualities helps you navigate challenges, empower your team, and drive success in your organization. While you may know your core strengths, continuously refining and applying them is key to maximizing their impact as a leader for your team and your organization. Knowledge requires application.

1. Align with Your Vision: Use your strengths to shape and communicate your vision. For instance, if you're a strategic thinker, outline a clear plan for your team.
2. Empower Your Team: Leverage your strengths to inspire and empower your team. Effective communicators can motivate and align their team with the organization's goals.
3. Overcome Challenges: Apply your strengths to navigate obstacles. Resilient leaders can turn setbacks into opportunities for growth.

4. Balanced Leadership: Surround yourself with team members who complement your weaknesses, creating a balanced and effective leadership team.
5. Continuous Improvement: Continuously refine your strengths and seek new ways to apply them. Adaptability allows you to remain relevant and effective in changing environments.

"Great careers and great businesses are built by evolution. By slow and steady improvements that actually don't look like much when you view them in isolation. But over time, these small, incremental evolutionary improvements amount to massive gains. Daily ripples of superior performance add up over time to a tidal wave of outrageous success."



Understanding and utilizing your leadership strengths is crucial for effective leadership. Whether you're guiding a team of medical professionals, launching a new venture, or growing your practice, your unique strengths can drive success. By identifying, embracing, and applying these strengths, you can lead with confidence, inspire your team, and achieve your goals. Remember, great leaders are those who not only know their strengths but also know how to use them to create a positive and lasting impact.

Incorporating your strengths into your leadership style not only enhances your effectiveness but also fosters a work environment where everyone can thrive. As you continue on your leadership journey, keep exploring and honing your strengths, and watch how they transform your approach and outcomes.



Are you looking for a coach to develop you or your team through trainings or workshops? Amanda speaks and trains on various topics related to leadership and team building. Learn more here!


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