The Importance Of Decluttering Your Mind

clarity May 08, 2020

When it comes to making meaningful changes in life, we often have to go through a cleaning and decluttering process. Just like we take time to purge our home of old, broken or no longer used items, so it goes with changing our mindset.


While there are many things in life that we find ourselves unable to control, our mind is not one of them. As meaningful human beings, we have the power to direct our thoughts, emotions, feelings, and actions. This has never been more important to understand than right now, in the midst of a world pandemic, the likes of which most of us have never experienced before.


We Can't Control Our Circumstances


We’ve all become quickly aware that the circumstances surrounding us are not within our control. We can no more change the path of an invisible virus than we can control how those around us handle the situation. But you can control your thoughts and manage your emotions in a healthy way in spite of the worry, fear and anxiety that is all around us during this time.


Stop Avoiding Scary Feelings


During times of uncertainty, it’s completely common to try and avoid scary and overwhelming feelings. With so much going on, who wants to dwell even more on thoughts that you’d rather not have? This is where the decluttering is going to come in, friends!


You first have to give yourself permission to feel the fear, worry, heartache, anger and anxiety that has been cluttering up your mind. Give it room––and then figure out what you’re going to do with it!


Declutter Your Brain


Imagine one of those old organizing shows they used to air on TLC. A team of organizing professionals would swoop in, purge someone’s closet and then go through a process of identifying important items, those that needed to go in the trash and those that could be given away. This same process can be applied to those scary thoughts!


Give yourself a dedicated amount of time to clean up your thoughts by acknowledging the emotion and the thought that goes with it. Then decide: is this thought useful to me? Do I need it? Is it helping me? Write it down. Now it’s time to organize: will you let the thought go or will you keep it in a specific place of your mind so that it can serve you?


Through this decluttering process, you are gaining control over what is important: the ability to make decisions! It can be so easy to fall into a trap of growing fearful or bitter over what is happening out in the world because we can’t control it. But we can control what thoughts we have, make decisions on what to do with them, and build a better feeling of power over our lives.

As a high-performance coach, I like to think of myself as a professional organizer––of thoughts! I want to be that person who can come in, help pull out all your “junk” and help you find a useful place for it in your life. To learn more about my coaching services, click here.


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