Increase Your Productivity With This Hack

productivity Mar 11, 2020

No matter how much you have to get done, we are all working with the same time restrictions: 24-hours in a day.


Sometimes, this amount of time can seem like an eternity––especially if you’re taking care of boring or menial tasks. But most of the time, we’re all hurrying around at the end of the day trying to get everything done before bedtime.


How often in that timeframe are you thinking about your future goals?


How many of your completed tasks are getting you closer to reaching your goals?


If you’re trying to grow your business, this adds an extra layer of pressure. But what if it wasn’t about working within the confines of 1,440 minutes? What if it was about how you used those minutes?


What if you could increase your productivity and get more done with the same amount of time that everyone else has?


A trick to getting things done is easier than you think! It’s called a battle board, and it’s a hack to increase your productivity.


A battle board can go by many names, including a vision board. It’s a visual representation of all you plan on accomplishing. It could be broken down by your week, month, or year––the important thing is that it includes visual representations of all the goals you plan on accomplishing in a certain time frame.


You don’t need a Pinterest-worthy set up. There’s no need for gorgeous fabric and luxury pushpins, and you most certainly don’t need amazing handwriting. Feel free to hang that unused whiteboard, or the chalkboard the kids no longer use. The focus should be the clean slate with which you’re about to document all the goals you plan on crushing this year.


In this day and age of technology, it can be tempting to just keep everything on a digital device. While there’s nothing wrong with keeping your grocery list in your notes app, there is actual scientific evidence that proves visual elements help retain and recall information. The Psychology Today article states that “Words are abstract and rather difficult for the brain to retain, whereas visuals are concrete and, as such, more easily remembered.”


Sure, you may not forget your main goals, but you likely won't be making daily progress towards your vision if it's not in your face every day! When you’re heading out and walk by your board, you can be reminded of where you want to be in six months to a year and be more proactive doing daily power moves that get you closer to your goals one step at a time.

Visual representation is important to increase your productivity.

What is one way you plan to turn a goal into a visualization? Email me with a photo of what you create! [email protected]



I want to help you gain clarity in your life and set up cues that will help you meet your goals. To learn more about my services, click here.


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