How To Provide A Supportive Leadership Style in Your Work and Home

leadership Apr 24, 2024

When you think of a leader, what comes to mind?

Sure, we all envision a high-ranking CEO or a boss in the workplace.

But what about a parent? A volunteer? They're leaders, too!

Knowing and believing we are leaders in some capacity throughout our daily lives, it's important to be continually asking those you lead one question:

"What support do you need today?"

Making this question a part of your regular conversation opens the door for a more genuine connection and mutual support that we all want in a group setting. Whether you're leading a group or you are a part of one, understanding the level of support needed for success is crucial. So why is this question so impactful?

First, it shifts the focus from assuming that we have all the answers, to being open to the idea that there are some unanswered questions and that more support is needed. How many times have you been in a situation where the outcome wasn't what another person in that group wanted, but it felt like the support was lacking? As a team, you weren't given what was needed, and it's frustrating!

That's where the question above comes in, allowing for vulnerability. You can have a mindset of openness, and it tells your team or group that it's okay to not have everything figured out and that seeking help or additional resources is a sign of strength, not weakness.

This same concept applies to your children. Expectations also need the required support. 

So how do you practically integrate this question into your daily team or other relational interactions?


Applying Supportive Leadership at Work

1. Foster an Open Environment: When leading your team, set the tone by asking, "What support do you need today?" during your meetings or one-on-one conversations. This not only shows empathy but also encourages others to think critically about their own needs.

2. Act on feedback: Once you have the answer to your question, take action and listen to what they say! When someone shares what they need, take action. Whether it's providing resources, adjusting deadlines, or offering to listen, it's showing responsiveness and building trust.

2. Effective Communication: Open and transparent communication is essential for building trust and fostering collaboration within a team. Supportive leaders actively listen to their employees' concerns, provide constructive feedback, and encourage dialogue to address challenges and find solutions together.

3. Empowerment: Supportive leaders empower their team members by delegating responsibilities, providing opportunities for skill development, and recognizing their achievements. By trusting their employees to make decisions and take ownership of their work, leaders can cultivate a sense of autonomy and motivation among their team members.

5. Flexibility and Work-Life Balance: Recognizing the importance of work-life balance, supportive leaders prioritize flexibility and accommodate the personal needs of their employees. Whether it's offering remote work options, flexible schedules, or time off for family obligations, leaders can demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being by promoting a healthy balance between work and home life.


Extending Supportive Leadership to Home Life

1. Active Listening: Just as effective communication is vital in the workplace, it's equally important at home. Positive leadership at home means you actively listen to family members, express empathy, and validate their feelings to strengthen bonds and resolve conflicts constructively.

2. Encouragement and Validation: Supportive leaders uplift their loved ones by offering words of encouragement, celebrating achievements, and providing emotional support during challenging times. This doesn't mean that our roles as parents fall by the wayside and avoid accountability. However, it does mean taking special note to ask "What support do you need today" because the answer may not be what you think it is! 

3. Quality Time and Presence: Spending quality time with family members is essential for building meaningful connections and fostering a sense of belonging. Prioritize quality time together, whether it's sharing meals, engaging in activities, or simply being present and attentive to each other's needs.

4. Setting Boundaries: Maintaining a healthy work-life balance requires setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care. Supportive leaders establish clear boundaries between work and home life, unplugging from work-related tasks during family time, and prioritizing activities that promote relaxation and well-being.



Adopting a supportive leadership style can have a profound impact not only in the workplace but also within the family dynamic. When you take time to ask how you can support those around you, everyone can bring their best self to the table every single day. Not only are you waking up to your life, but you're helping others do the same!


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