Have you ever looked up from your phone and found that the time on the clock was way past what you expected? Time flew but you felt like it was standing still as you mindlessly scrolled. You find yourself feeling guilty about how much time you spent, or overwhelmed by how much you have to get done in (now) a limited amount of time. You lament over the time that just vanished!
You’re suddenly a victim, a victim of your own self-sabotage and buffering.
You got sucked into the “scroll."
I want to say, “It’s okay, you're not alone, it happens!'' But the truth is, I’m just as disappointed in myself as you are when this happens. Not for being on my phone. But for BUFFERING with my phone. The bigger truth is, I can’t honestly say that I believe this form of time wasting IS healthy when used for unhealthy reasons.
I’m convinced we can do better. But how?
Scrolling is like a long, dark, black portal that sucks us in and keeps us searching for something, anything, with quite literally - as a result of the power of the internet - NO END IN SIGHT. No one is exempt from the pull and enticement of this time waster. It’s even justifiable at times because we’re “doing research” or “need to find something”. But why do we get STUCK there?
Using our phones is not the problem. Getting sucked in over and over...mindlessly…is the problem.
Everywhere you look, people are scrolling. Have you ever noticed just how many people around you are actively scrolling at any given moment? In restaurants, airports, grocery store lines, taking a walk…they’re scrolling.
If you’re like me, you never intend to be a victim of mindless scrolling. I don’t think any of us with intentions and goals for our day mean to lose our valuable time to a social feed. I know you want to master being a High Performer and I also know that you can’t afford to continue wasting time. That said, it’s time to find some practical handles for conquering this “spell”. Because chances are, chucking your phone to escape its time-wasting-wrath, isn’t an option!
What Happens In Your Brain When You Scroll?
What I want us to focus on is this: When we drug ourselves with dopamine and freely allow information overload that triggers deep level threat and impacts our cognitive ability.
“We’re training our brains to not work to their highest potential.”
I find it easier to follow through with breaking a habit when I understand the WHY behind the habit I’ve formed or the habit I am seeking to form. Whether we like it or not, scrolling has likely become a habit, now that you’ve read these negative impacts on our brains, hopefully, you have a reason to work toward kicking this habit to the curb. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time for self-inflicted cognitive decline!
If you’re looking for ways to better your habits or kick your bad habits that are impacting your performance check out my 90-Day Habit Reset course!
If you’re ready to GET BACK those 145 minutes (or more) you’re losing on your phone each day, by setting better intentions and disciplining your time management, check out my brand new Highest Potential Planner. You’ll be able to set intentions, build better habits, and train your brain to seek your highest potential.
50% Complete
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