5 Best Tips for Decision-Making Success

high performance Feb 11, 2025

If you prefer podcasts, listen to my podcast episode on this same topic here. 

Every day presents us with numerous choices on how we spend our time. Yet, prioritizing "the right things" over just accomplishment is crucial. Defining these "right things" is key to effective decision-making.

It’s hard to know what decisions are worth investing our time in and which ones aren’t that important. We can spend our whole days executing tasks, but just because something is achievable, doesn’t mean it’s what is important. We can make dozens of decisions each day that have nothing to do with what's actually important for our long-term goals. Understanding this distinction is fundamental to effective decision-making.

Our days consist of a series of decisions. Some decisions drastically impact our lives, while others involve less long-term risk. For example, choosing what to eat for breakfast impacts your life a lot less than choosing to pay for that extra training or seminar that will help you get to where you want to be.

Before sharing decision-making tips, it's important to know which decisions to prioritize.

The other day I took an evening to get centered around the decisions I was avoiding. I realized I was avoiding them because I had not determined a filter. What I mean by that is, defining a filter allows you to know what gets your "yes" and what gets your "no." It provides guard rails so you can make quick decisions.

One thing I created a filter for was my phone usage. Phones are great tools for work and life, but on the other hand they can be a time waster and a tool for avoiding. So I created a phone filter. I wrote down when it was okay to be on my phone and when it was not. 

  • My phone is a tool for connection and checking in with those I love.
  • My phone is a way to communicate with my team and support them between the hours of 9-5 if I'm not on my computer.
  • My phone is a tool for research and staying in the know using trusted sources.
  • My phone is a tool for posting on social media to serve my community and share about my business.
  • My phone is NOT for mindless scrolling.
  • My phone is NOT to avoid the hard things.
  • My phone is NOT a comparison tool.

These guard rails help me to hone in and make effective decisions. When I'm not sure if I should be on my phone, I reference it.

Let's explore more practical tips for effective decision-making.


Strategic Decision-Making Tips: 

1. Strategic Decision-Making Tip: Understand the level of risk

Spend time analyzing the decisions you have to make. Pause during decision-making moments to gauge the level of “risk” involved in that decision. If the risk is low, then don’t spend too much time on that decision. If the risk is a little higher, then run it through an intentional decision-making process:

  • What motivation is there to make this decision?
  • Who will this decision impact?
  • What evidence and support are driving my decision-making?
  • What will happen as a result of this decision?
  • How will this decision affect my future?

Answering these questions will help you be able to a) tell if the decision is an important one and b) give you support while you make the decision.


2. Strategic Decision-Making Tip: Create alternative choices

Another important factor within your decision-making process is that you will often convince yourself there are two choices. It’s a "this or that" mentality. But that isn't always true! You have the power to create some alternative options! There can always be an alternative decision option that may make more sense and serve you better in the long run. Be open to discovering these alternatives and trust yourself to be resourceful. 


3. Strategic Decision-Making Tip: Implement the six-hat solution. 

Another helpful process for decision-making is the Six Hat Solution. Choose a scenario in your life where you’re having trouble coming up with a decision for a solution. Then run that scenario through these questions:

  1. Look at the situation emotionally: What do your feelings tell you?
  2. Look at the situation objectively: What are the facts?
  3. Use a positive perspective. Which elements of the solution will work?
  4. Use a negative perspective. Which elements of the solution won’t work?
  5. Think creatively. What are some alternative ideas?
  6. Think broadly. What is the best overall solution?


4. Strategic Decision-Making Tip: Narrow down the options

Sometimes people are overwhelmed by the flooding of options there can be in a decision. In this case, it's important to narrow down the options by choosing the top ones and going from there.


5. Strategic Decision-Making Tip: Visualize the outcome.

When you can visualize the outcome of your decisions, you're able to see which decision is the right fit for what you want in life long term. So think through the future of what that decision may lead to. It, of course, won't be completely accurate, but it should give you an idea and help you decide!


Remember you are one decision away from a totally different life!



If it’s your time for a dramatic change and rapid advancement in your personal and professional life, then I’d like to work one-on-one with you to break through your barriers and help you reach your highest potential and performance in all you do.​To see if you qualify for this elite program, head to my services page



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