3 Ways to Change Your Habits to Reach the Success You Want

clarity productivity Mar 04, 2020

Everybody wants success. And wanting success isn’t a bad thing, but sometimes we forget that the little decisions we make today are either helping or hurting our chances for success in the long run.


Think about it...if you keep doing the same thing every day but wanting different results, it's not going to happen! It's time to change your habits. While change is uncomfortable, you can’t expect new results if you keep doing the same thing, day in and day out.


It sounds easy, but I’ll be the first to admit that changing habits is difficult. After all, habits are almost mindless–– we do them without thinking! Habits are powerful but they can be reshaped if we take time to learn about why we do them and then become intentional about change.


Here are a few ways to start changing your habits so you find the success you want.


1. Find clarity.

People often think that they lack motivation when it comes to achieving their goals. “I just need to try harder” is a common thought. In reality, finding success has more to do with having clarity when it comes to the direction of your life.


When you have clarity, you'll find more motivation to keep pushing through because you have a clear picture of where you’re headed.


2. Remove obstacles.

It’s time to get rid of obstacles. One of the most important aspects of being a successful person is being in an environment that allows for growth. Whether that’s big things like a workspace that you’ve outgrown or little things like having kitchen cabinets full of temptations while trying to change your eating habits, it can be difficult to change your habits if your environment is standing in your way.


Have tough conversations, create a better atmosphere in your workplace by leading some changes, and put things in place in your environment that supports better habits such as getting rid of temptation or setting timers to cue the new habits you want.


3. Keep your eye on the results you desire.

“Eye on the prize” is a common saying when it comes to perseverance. When it comes to accomplishing a task, we are often taught to think of the finish line, to keep our head up and to keep moving forward.


When it comes to rewiring our habits, think through...What’s your goal for today? For tomorrow? If you start by checking off your daily goals, you'll be making progress towards the results you desire.


For example, working out an hour every day may be a big leap for you. But you can do 10 minutes and work your way up to longer! Changing your eating habits completely can be hard to sustain, but you can start by drinking more water and gradually add to cutting out certain foods.


Small steps each day amount to BIG results in the end!


Remember, finding success is different for everyone. What works for your business partner may not work for you––and that’s ok. The important part is to start.


Are you looking to change your habits? Subscribe to my email list and you’ll get a copy of my Start a New Habit guide for FREE!


This guide delves much deeper into why habits are hard to break, how they are formed, how you can change them. You'll also receive an action plan to changing your habits in no time!


Comment below with one habit YOU want to implement, and don't forget to subscribe for the guide! 


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